MOCAP Sign Up Instructions

Greenways MOCAP enrollment ends Tuesday, Feb. 13, 2024.

All applications will be denied after this date. 

How do I sign my student up for a MOCAP program?

  1. Complete the Online Registration Process for Boonville R-1 School District. Information for online registration can be found here. If the student is already enrolled in Boonville Schools, the student's family may make a request through the building counselor.

  2. School team (or IEP/504 team) reviews the request and makes “best educational interest” determination. Factors for this determination could include but are not limited to:

  • The student's success or lack of success in any previous virtual courses and/or program;

  • The attendance record;

  • The student's previously observed time-management skills and ability to be successful in a learning environment that requires persistence and personal accountability. 

Parents/Guardians will be notified of the best educational interest determination within 10 business days of receiving the application.